Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Articles: Where Are the Rolling Heads from NOAA?

And then there is NOAA.  NOAA law enforcement was running essentially unsupervised for years, inflicting huge fines on fishermen for small infractions and putting the collected monies in a slush fund used for lavish trips and booze-cruise luxury boats.

...NOAA law enforcement collected close to $100,000,000 in fines and seized goods from fishermen over the past several years.  The Department of Commerce IG investigated and found that only about $60M could be accounted for, while some $40M is just plain gone.  This is not taxpayer money, but money taken in huge chunks from fishermen for infractions, some very minor.  Claims by the fishermen of coercion and extortion were validated by the IG.  See the IG reports here, here, and here.....But nobody has ever been punished.

Why?  Because the NOAA outrages are based on cronyism and fully condoned by our current brand of Big Government.  Dr. Jane Lubchenco (pictured), the person who decides on reward or punishment at NOAA, is an environmental superstar and Obama's favorite eco-zealot.  Dr. Lubchenco, with the cognizance and support of the president, has filled the upper management of NOAA with like-minded eco-zealots.  They are knowingly and purposefully shrinking the fishing fleet, driving hardworking Americans out of business and out of work to consolidate the industry.  Their goal, echoing the Environmental Defense Fund, is to turn fish and fishing into a commodity-based enterprise for the gain of their cronies.

[Because wave power is so practical and cost-effective?]: Tide turns in favour of wave power instead of wind farms | JunkScience.com

VOTERS in Scotland appear to be turning away from wind farms, a new survey has shown, in a blow to the Scottish Government’s renewable ambitions.

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