Wednesday, April 25, 2012

David Cameron's great green fightback lies in tatters as he abandons a long-planned speech on clean energy – Telegraph Blogs

A more substantial problem is that the Government's low-carbon energy policies are beginning to look threadbare.

Climate Change: The Next Generation: Mark Boslough: Climate Change Is Based Only on Fact

Libertarians are recognizing that the cooling capacity of the atmosphere above us is a property right that should not be infringed without just compensation.

Twitter / @omnologos: Environmentalism = the mov ...

Environmentalism = the movement where people with rich wallets or salaries meet in faraway places to complain everybody else is corrupt.

Norway govt proposes doubling CO2 tax on oil sector | Reuters

(Reuters) - Norway's government is proposing to nearly double the carbon dioxide tax on the country's vast
oil and gas sector to encourage companies to use more electricity from onshore source to power oil platforms, the
government said in a white paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do "cooling rights" trump the right to electricity, transportation, communication, and other basic conveniences that we in the west take for granted in order to keep the atmosphere a humanly imperceptible fraction of a degree cooler?

If all proposed greenhouse gas reductions were met, humans would be living back in the dark ages - or at least back when lifespans were shorter and infant mortality was higher, so whose rights trump whose?