Saturday, April 21, 2012

WA backflips on carbon tax compensation

The West Australian government has backflipped after saying it would take a quarter of carbon tax compensation payments from pensioners who live in public housing.

Greenhouse uses captured CO2 to grow food

"We are taking the carbon and instead of letting it go into the atmosphere, we are converting it to food and eating it," Krahn said.

"We are eating our way to a carbon-negative future."

Plants need carbon dioxide, light and heat to grow and the more CO2 they can absorb, the more productive they are, Krahn said.

Flashback: Susan Solomon thinks you're stupid: Report claims that trace amounts of CO2 may lower US corn yields by 15%

We have to think about [carbon dioxide] much more like nuclear waste than, like say, smog or acid rain,” explains one of the world’s top atmospheric scientists, Susan Solomon

InvestigateDaily – Century old map throws new doubt on climate change sea level claims

A new book on the history of New Zealand has inadvertently stirred the climate change debate by revealing a near zero sea level increase over the past century.

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