Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Black Eyed Pea-brain - IOL Tonight | travelled on a private helicopter to give a talk at Oxford University about climate change...His 286-mile round trip from London used 71.5 gallons of fuel...

The Black Eyed Peas star tweeted pictures of his “hip.hop.copter” when he touched down in the city.

...Physics professor Myles said of his choice of transport: “The irony didn't escape everybody. But he's committed to the issues and he's written songs about it.

“A better understanding of the problems is probably more important than whether Will flies a helicopter from London to Oxford.” – Bang Showbiz

Flashback: Bob Barr, Attend Gore's New Energy Challenge Speech

Just after taking the stage at Daughters of the American Revolution Hall in Washington, D.C. Thursday, former Vice President Al Gore thanked a packed house for attending his speech on how to combat climate change. And then he pointed to a couple of special guests: Libertarian Presidential Candidate Bob Barr and Black Eyed Peas rapper (he of the now-famous "Yes We Can" YouTube video in support of Barack Obama).

Gore thanked for making the trip from California, and praised Barr for his serious attention to the issue of global climate change. - Take Our Planet Back (Official Video) - YouTube

Al Gore: Today, I challenge our nation to commit to producing 100% of our electricity from renewable energy and truly clean carbon-free sources within 10 years.

Flashback: Debuts Climate Change Song and Video at Al Gore's Green Ball - Fresh Greens ( of the Black Eyed Peas' "Yes We Can" video was a viral video sensation for the Obama campaign, but now that the president is in office, the singer is turning his attention and songwriting chops to another area: climate change. At Al Gore's green inaugural ball on Monday, debuted a new song called "Take Our Planet Back," which addresses our need to get off of foreign oil, use renewable energy sources and hold politicians accountable for enacting enviromental reform.

Entering the event on a green carpet, was asked by reporters how he is green in his personal life. The singer drives an electric car, which he references in his song. "I know we all as a people know that our dependence on fossil fuels - it's tired, it's old," he said. "The technology is there for us to run cars off of electricity. I'm living proof."

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