Friday, May 04, 2012

Heartland Institute compares belief in global warming to mass murder | Leo Hickman | Environment |

Leo blog : The Heartland Institute conference billboard in Chicago

False Balance On Climate Change at PBS NewsHour | ThinkProgress

I am not going to print the Heartland’s myths, especially after running Romney’s. All successful disinformation is the same, at the end, cleverly crafted myths and lies designed to sound plausible and stick in your memory.

PBS itself follows the Heartland falsehoods by saying, “These are views challenged by scientific evidence.”

Seriously PBS? Would you give air time to someone who says the Earth is flat or cigarettes don’t cause cancer and simply follow those falsehoods by ”These are views challenged by scientific evidence.” How about a Holocaust denier?

Urgent appeal for Baba Jan, prisoner of climate change | Green Left Weekly

There is a very broad layer of people around the world who are concerned about the fate of Baba Jan and his fellow activists because they are seen as political casualties of the deepening global climate change crisis. They are imprisoned for their roles in the campaign by poor local residents who were demanding compensation for the devastating landslide and flood in the Hunza Valley in 2010.

Panetta: Hybrid Warships Solution to 'Security Threat' of Global Warming

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta believes that global warming is a national security threat, and he’s pushing for a entire new fleet of costly “hybrid” planes and battleships to save the planet.

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