Saturday, May 12, 2012

New EPA Cap and Trade Game! EPA Simulator Shows Potential Cost, Power Losses From Utility CO2 Cap

Despite widespread political opposition to the concept of a carbon dioxide (CO2) cap-and-trade system, EPA has quietly uploaded to its website a computer simulator allowing users to act as an "environmental compliance officer" at a power plant and take steps to meet an imaginary CO2 emissions cap, highlighting the potential high costs and lost electricity generation possible from some steps to curb utilities' CO2 emissions.

The simulator is already prompting questions from a spokesman for Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), the ranking member on the environment committee and a long-time critic of CO2 caps, who questioned why EPA is "spending time and financial resources developing a global warming cap-and-trade game for the classroom to begin with?"

1 comment:

Eric Simpson said...

Civilization's Wrecking Ball
The radical cap & trade bill that passed the U.S. House in the early summer of 2009 dictated that there would be mandatory 83% CO2 cuts by 2050 -- back to 1867 per capita use levels, back to when all we had was a few trains sputtering around, no cars, no planes, lights, vacuums, refridgerators, air conditioners, electric stoves, computers, TVs. No power stations... at all.
This would have taken a wrecking ball to civilization. No joke. The notion that appliances and engines would gain tenfold in efficiency is pure poppycock. Cap & trade would have started to immediately cut into our industrial base, causing widespread shut downs of industrial facilities of every stripe. Energy prices would skyrocket, and that is putting it lightly. Availability of products, of nearly every kind, would be severely retarded. Scores of millions would suffer unemployment or underemployment as the economy cratered. But this is exactly what the fear-mongering Chicken Littles desire. It is the leftist dream. Some quotes:

“A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States… ” --John Holdren (1973), Obama’s Science Czar
"Isn’t the only hope for this planet the total collapse of industrial civilisation? Is it not our responsibility to ensure that this collapse happens? ” --Maurice Strong, ex UNEP Director
“My [goal is to] destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness... returning throughout the world.” --David Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!
“We have wished, we ecofreaks, for a disaster… to bomb us into the stone age, where we might live like Indians... with our localism... our gardens, our homemade religion." -- Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Catalogue
Think that this desire to return to stone age is not alive and well? Look what's happening right now in Tombstone AZ. See the Fox report at the link with John Stossel reporting! In Tombstone, pipes for their water supply were destroyed in a fire and subsequent mudslides. Obama's "wilderness officials," despite the fact that nearly zero animals are living there now in fire gutted region, will not let them repair the pipes unless "horses and stone tools" are used. A wheelbarrow was deemed "too mechanized" and not allowed. Absolute insanity. See the link: