Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The PJ Tatler » War on Women: Al Gore Implicated in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit?

A year prior to the incident involving Ellen Pao, a masseuse accused former Vice President Gore of demanding that she “release his chakra.” And a few weeks prior to that, Gore and his wife of 40 years, Tipper, filed for divorce.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds Sun caused abrupt climate change 2,800 years ago

A paper recently published in Nature Geoscience finds that large changes in solar UV radiation induced amplified effects upon climate and abrupt climate change via the atmospheric circulation. The authors state, "We conclude that changes in atmospheric circulation amplified the solar signal and caused abrupt climate change about 2,800 years ago, coincident with a grand solar minimum." The IPCC dismisses solar effects upon climate by only looking at small changes in Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), while ignoring large [up to 20%] changes in solar UV within and between solar cycles. The paper identifies a new mechanism by which small changes in solar activity may have amplified effects upon climate, others being via ozone or clouds.

Sensenbrenner: ‘CO2 Is A Natural Gas. Does This Mean That All Of Us Need To Put Catalytic Converters On Our Noses?’ | ThinkProgress

Rep. Sensenbrenner took his unscientific personal conclusions one step further, saying he believed CO2 would help “crop yields go up” and make it “easier to feed 7 billion people.”

“I’m not one of the people going around saying CO2 is bad for you,” he concluded.

In fact, scientists around the world are calling man-made global warming one of the biggest threats to agricultural production.

1886 : A Year Of Perfect Balance With Nature | Real Science

The US was hit by seven hurricanes during 1886, the largest one year total on record. Two of these storms were major hurricanes – both of which hit Texas .

By contrast, the US has not been hit by a major hurricane since 2005 – the longest such period on record.  The lack of major hurricanes is no doubt a direct result of man’s evil interference in the climate system.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds Indian monsoons correlate with solar activity & decreased intensity with warming

In another blow to the alarmist fallacy that global warming causes more extreme weather, a paper published last week finds the intensity of the Indian summer monsoon has gradually decreased over the past 150 years. Furthermore, the authors find solar activity may be responsible for cyclical patterns in monsoon intensity.

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