Friday, May 11, 2012

Sustainability Now Radio: Confronting the Climate Disinformation Campaign at Penn State: Video
Here is the video for the free presentation given on April 30, 2012 on Penn State's University Park Campus. Penn State professors Michael Mann, Donald Brown, Janet Swim and Rick Schuhmann, and graduate student Peter Buckland spoke Monday evening at "Changing the Moral Climate on Climate Change," a talk that focused on climate change denial. Mann is director of Penn State's Earth System Science Center and part of the 2007 Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Susannah Barsom, with the university's Center for Sustainability, moderated the event, which included a question and answer session.

1 comment:

Lemon said...

I got the organizers to remove the reference of Michael Mann as a "nobel prize winner". and they did - so credit to them for this...