Sunday, May 27, 2012

We shouldn't fret about the carbon footprint of's helicopter | Myles Allen | Environment | forgoing his helicopter for the train via Reading would have saved the world from global warming for less than a millisecond.

The Reference Frame: Krugman: scientists should falsely predict alien invasion

It seems pretty clear from this cartoon and many others that these folks consider a world with a big government emitting lots of clichés how it is important and helpful (thanks, I know this absurd stuff about healthier children from communism way too well), a world with kilotons of regulation, almost no authentic private commercial activity, and five times higher energy prices as a "better world" and they're eager to repeat any lie that an allied Nobel prize winner or not even Nobel prize winner invents as a tool to bring this "better world" closer.

Myles Allen and a New Trick to Hide-the-Decline « Climate Audit

While one would hope and expect that Myles Allen would have had a better factual grasp on Climategate issues than Sarah Palin, it seems that we’ve been disappointed.

Allen’s decision to show temperature data rather than Hockey Stick reconstructions cleverly draws attention away from the problems of those reconstructions. The Climategate emails have a apt phrase for Allen’s technique. Showing an unrelated dispute about a temperature graphic rather than the decreasing Briffa reconstruction is itself just another …. trick to hide the decline. :)

Twitter / @JaneSYLee: Nasheed: "If Maldives can ...

Nasheed: "If Maldives can become carbon neutral anyone can." Oz can be a leader in climate change, it has relevant technologies and market

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