Tuesday, June 19, 2012

- Bishop Hill blog - Beddington on tipping points

what other support is there for the idea of tipping points in the climate? Do these emerge unbidden from climate models? I certainly seem to remember someone reporting that changes to the Gulf Stream were now being downplayed

Shock News : Nature Is In Balance | Real Science

This is just crazy talk, but the fact that air is sinking and heating over Colorado, means that it is rising and cooling somewhere else. I have this bizarre theory that the mass and average barometric pressure of the atmosphere don’t vary much from year to year.

Regardless, 97% of scientists are 99% certain that CO2 causes heatwaves – rather than sinking air.

The New Nostradamus of the North: Shale oil is the next big thing

One thing is certain: The prospects for the US economy are excellent in the decades to come, providing that American politicians make the right to allow all the good things to happen. The same possibilities are open to China, India and many other countries. 

Rio+20 to push sustainability reporting | JunkScience.com

Thousands of companies worldwide will be pushed to report on their environmental strategies and performance under proposals to be finalised at a UN summit in Rio de Janeiro this week.

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