Friday, June 22, 2012

Climate Change Deniers Compare Belief in Global Warming to Mass Murder | GreenAnswers

The Heartland Institute is the central, most powerful voice behind climate change denial. The Heartland Institute receives tens of millions of dollars in funding from ExxonMobil and the Koch brothers to question the science behind climate change and global warming.

Warmth and Peace in the Roman Classical Period

Once again evidence continues to accumulate for (1) the rule-of-thumb proposition that warmer times have generally been more peaceful times throughout human history, (2) the likelihood that the high stable temperatures between 60 BC and 90 AD may well have been warmer than those of the 20th century, and (3) the likelihood that solar variability may have been "an important climate forcing factor during this time."

Wimp Power: Some Quotations from Wind’s Critics | The SPPI Blog

“Modern society has advanced through a process of constantly improving efficiency and productivity. Wind power takes us backwards in every category of productivity. How futuristic is a modern energy source that is twice the cost and half the value of its competitors?”

An Orwellian example… « Quid Sapio's Climate Stuff

[Paul Bain] sees (possibly quite correctly) a situation in which some sort of unspoken collective decision has been made to treat AGW as if it were physically real, even if it should turn out not to be. He thinks skeptics need to realise this, stop distracting themselves talking about the science, and find a way to agree with the “mainstream” on some kind of action they at least don’t find repugnant – because the action (or policy as he terms it) is going to happen regardless.

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