Tuesday, June 05, 2012

EPA official: Coal 'communities should go away' | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Environmental Protection Agency Lisa Jackson implemented a climate change regulation demonstrating that EPA effectively required coal communities to "go away," according to the EPA's New England regional administrator, Curt Spalding.

Spalding explained that the EPA doesn't want to say that in public, even though that's the effect of their policies.

If government listened it would cut carbon tax | The Australian

POLITICIANS often get accused of pursuing a populist agenda driven by the polls. That may or may not be true, but what if the government actually did what we wanted? The eighth annual Lowy Institute Poll, out yesterday, suggests our policy in some areas would be strikingly different.

 For one thing, the climate change legislation would be scrapped. Two-thirds of Australians say they are against the government's legislation introducing a fixed price on carbon that will then lead to an emissions trading scheme, with nearly half (45 per cent) of us strongly against the policy.

Perhaps most worrying for the Gillard government, a majority (57 per cent) are in favour of a future Coalition government removing the ETS if it wins the next election, with this majority holding across all states, age groups, income levels and both genders. Even 38 per cent of the Australians who say they always or sometimes vote for the Greens are in favour of removing the emissions legislation.

Almost here, the tax which will not speak its purpose

As we come up to the great date for the start of the carbon tax, all the government wants to talk about are benefits and payments. But this tax is not being imposed to fund benefits and payments. It is being done to save the planet! Why won't the government tell us the pain is worth it? Why can't it mention the word ''tax'' and tell us how much our pain will contribute to global survival?

Surely the justification to burden industry and jobs and households is that we must rise to the greatest moral challenge of the generation?

It looks to me that as the overblown claims of the climate change lobby have been exposed - from the melting glaciers of the Himalayas to the prolonged droughts where the dams would never fill again - the government has lost the faith, bit by bit. They no longer spruik the threat of imminent damnation. Yet they still recommend the same way of salvation.

Twitter / omnologos:

If the phenomenon only shows up after heavy data manipulation, there is a high chance manipulation of the data is the only phenomenon.

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