Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stunning Trend in Southwest Year to Date Precipitation « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

It’s flat – meaning that there is no trend at all. Year to date rainfall now is the same as it has been since 1895 for the southwestern US.

Some tax propaganda from the “climate” brigade: Carbon price’s health bonanza |

Our alleged health guide seems to think 0.04% CO2 is dangerous. Perhaps someone should tell her that 5% or more CO2 can be mixed with anaesthetic gases if there is a danger the patient might stop breathing – this is about the level that triggers you to exhale and draw new breath.

No Sea Level Rise In La Jolla, California Since 1871 | Real Science

Experts tell us that sea level will rise a foot in California over the next twenty years, despite the fact that sea level hasn’t changed for 140 years. The animation below transitions from La Jolla, 1871 – to a recent high tide photo.

Massive 1898 Fire In Colorado | Real Science

The Democratic governor of Colorado has been running around today telling people that the fires this year are the worst in the state’s history. Apparently he doesn’t know much about the state’s history. The 1898 fires were much larger than what we have seen in 2012.

Fires happen. If you build a house in the pine forest without a wide fire break, sooner or later the fire will come and burn your house down. Fire is an essential part of the forest cycle, and 100 years of fire suppression has left the forests primed for very hot crown fires.

Same old dream: Net-Zero Living, A Few Decades Shy of Affordable |

Net zero energy buildings produce as much energy as they consume via on-site renewable energy, but it will be about three decades before they become something more than a luxury of the well-to-do environmentally conscious—and even longer before net-zero living becomes a normal way of life.

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