Monday, June 04, 2012

World Environment Day: One big propaganda rally? - Denver Conspiracy |

But is this holiday truly one of kind intent? Perhaps it's just another Eco-friendly holiday. Or, could it just be another push for the “global warming” agenda?

It is the now growing belief that global warming was a hoax to push lucrative carbon taxes and other measures that would do nothing to help the environment. It instead aims to line the pockets of investors and politicians while conditioning the public to the idea that mankind is a parasite, like it or not, mostly harming the planet.

Giving power to the people can solve the wind farm stand-off | Damian Carrington | Environment |

In the UK, less than 10% of renewable energy is owned locally. Over 90% is owned by the big energy firms, seen as untrusted giants dumping turbines into the countryside and taking the proceeds out.

C3: Connect The Dots: Global Warming Is Caused By Non-CO2 Factors Says NASA Peer Reviewed Paper

As early as 2000, NASA had discovered that the real causes of the prior rapid global warming were a result of non-CO2 pollutants. The NASA team that made this discovery was led by none other than the famous James Hansen, the patron saint of 'wrong-way' AGW on the left here.

Subsequent to those findings (btw,..... ahem.....published by the National Academy of Sciences, did we mention), these scientists then discovered that the real money (funding, grants, etc.) could be found by focusing on human CO2 emissions instead. Thus, this NASA paper was quietly forgotten about.

Until now.

The Reference Frame: Bill McKibben about your humble correspondent and others

At any rate, Mr McKibben's top-five hitparade of the individual skeptics looks approximately like this:

1. Marc Morano

2. Anthony Watts

3. Richard Lindzen

4. Christopher Monckton

5. Luboš Motl

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