Monday, July 16, 2012

- Bishop Hill blog - British research goes open source
All scientific research funded by the UK taxpayer is to become open source, according to an article in the Guardian. It seems that academics will be required to pay the fees to make their papers freely available.
Ronald Stein: California’s costly global warming crusade |
Air-pollution agency unilaterally pursues rules that will harm the state while doing nothing to reduce global warming.
Carbon Top Commodity Stokes Suspicion EU Ideas Leaked |
The most ambitious market-based effort to control carbon emissions is being undermined by a glut of permits, amid allegations that European Union ideas to tackle the surplus are being leaked prematurely.
The carbon sales pitch isn’t working: 43 per cent to 57 | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Join hands to fight climate change: President
Opening the Regional Conference on Local Government for Climate Change at USP this morning – the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau says this will continue to be a key development issue for small island states.

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