Monday, July 23, 2012

BOMs new data set, ACORN, so bad it's funny
What would YOU make of a data set that showed minimum temperatures larger than the maximum temperatures? BOM is the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Australia's authority on global warming (Don't laugh!)
July 22, 1909 : A Major Hurricane Strike In Texas | Real Science
The US was hit by five hurricanes in 1909, including three major hurricanes. CO2 was below 310 ppm at the time, which is considered by climate scientists to be an extremely safe level.

According to Hansen, 1909 was the fourth coldest year in history.
July 22, 1926 : Hottest Day In New York History | Real Science
On July 22, 1926, temperatures hit 108 degrees at Troy and 106 degrees at West Point. New York City was relatively cool at 100 degrees.

Troy is forecast to be 22 degrees cooler today than it was on the same day in 1926. Experts tell us that this dramatic reduction in temperature since 1926 is due to man-made global warming.
July 28, 1934 : Hottest Day In Idaho History | Real Science
Temperatures in Orofino are forecast to be 73 degrees tomorrow, 45 degrees cooler than the 1934 record. Experts tell us that this massive cool down is due to man-made global warming.
US Was Hit By 26 Hurricanes During The Coldest Decade | Real Science
According to Hansen, the 1880s was tied for the coldest decade at -0.27 C anomaly. It was also the decade which the United States was hit by the most hurricanes – twenty-six including six major hurricanes. CO2 levels were below 300 ppm at the time.

Nobel Prize Winners like Al Gore tell us that higher temperatures and CO2 mean more and stronger hurricanes, because they are complete morons and have no idea what they are talking about.

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