Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bummer: Global warming is allegedly causing the crops to freeze in Ecuador

For Ecuadorian village, a struggle to adapt to changing climate - Wire Lifestyle - The Sacramento Bee
AYALOMA, Ecuador -- Frosts aren't on time for the 960 people living in this tiny, remote village, hidden on a chilly, windswept mountain ridge in South America.

A minor problem? Maybe for some. But in the Andean community, 8,800 feet above sea level, frosts - and their impact on crop cycles - are kind of a big deal...
Temperatures have become more variable, too. In Cuenca, it can be 32 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning, but up to 86 by noon, Loja said. So many crops freeze in the cold mornings or dry out in the hot afternoons.

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