Sunday, July 15, 2012

C3: Extreme Global Warming: NOAA Confirms Modern U.S. Warming Not As Hot vs. 1930s
The recent toasty 2012 summer weather experienced in the U.S. has the climate doomsday pundits again claiming that extreme global warming (EGW) is to blame - however, NOAA's NCDC climate research agency has recently documented that EGW for the U.S. over the last decade was AWOL
Jennifer Marohasy » How Scientific Ideas Become Fashionable (Part 1)
THERE is no doubt that many people are susceptible to the repetition of a single message. No matter how stupid the message, if enough people say it often enough, a large percentage of those who hear it will begin to believe it. That’s the basis of advertising and also propaganda: it’s how you make ideas fashionable, even scientific ideas. But just because an idea is fashionable doesn’t make it right and just because an idea is right, well it doesn’t mean it represents the truth.
Dirty Nature sullies EU air – Regulators promise heavy fines on serial polluter (kidding) |
Desert sand, sea salt, volcanic ash and other forms of natural pollution are adding to rising levels of man-made dirt sullying the air and making it harder, especially for Mediterranean countries, to meet EU environmental regulations.
The Oblivious Celebration of Oil Abundance | Planet3.0
[Warmist Michael Tobis] The indifference of the powers that be, in industry or in government or in academic engineering sectors to actually making the earth less inhabitable and grossly biologically impoverished is no real surprise. We have to be used to it. I read a book by Fareed Zacariah, a widely recognized international relations pundit, that came out two or three years ago, on the post-American-hegemony he predicted for the 21st century. His prognosis for the next century DID NOT MENTION CLIMATE CHANGE. This is the amazing victory of the denial industry – the idea that there is a risk here is not even discounted. It just doesn’t cross the minds of people in the energy sector....if the dewpoint in Bangladesh ever consistently goes above 40 C, it won’t matter much whether there is money or higher ground in that country. Everybody who ventures outside without a space suit will die. Every vertebrate creature in the tropics will die.

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