[Cartoonist] Neil Wagner: McKibben's Climate Change Masterpiece Is Strictly by the Numbers
Bill McKibben's recent piece in Rolling Stone, "Global Warming's Terrifying New Math", is probably (pound for pound) the best piece ever written about the dire straights anthropogenic climate change has presented the human race.U.S. Says Shale Gas Output Rose 24% in May From Year Earlier - Bloomberg
Like I said recently about resistance to renewable energy, it seems climate contrarians feel the fight against climate change is just too difficult. Fair enough ... I simply ask that they please step aside so others can do the heavy lifting.
Twitter / MichaelEMann: @suzyji Any article mentio ...@suzyji Any article mentioning 'climategate' should cite & link to 9+ indep. investigations (http://bit.ly/SRVEX7 ) exonerating scientists!Solyndra figures attend swank Obama fundraiser - Washington TimesPresident Obama rubbed elbows Monday night with two men at the center of the Solyndra loan scandal at an exclusive fundraiser in California.Report: 23 Largest Wind Farms In Illinois Bring $6 Billion In Economic Benefits To The State | ThinkProgress
Steve Westly, a financier whose money-raising prowess helped to snag him a post on the administration’s energy advisory board, and Matt Rogers, a former Energy Department senior adviser who helped to approve the Solyndra loan, were spotted by reporters at the $35,800-per-person fundraiser for the president’s re-election campaign.A new report released by the Center for Renewable Energy at Illinois State University (ISU) shows why wind is so important to America’s heartland...The report looked at the 23 largest wind farms in Illinois, finding that they will add almost $6 billion to local economies over their lifetimes and have resulted in the creation of more than 19,000 jobs during the construction periods. The projects will also support 814 permanent jobs in the state.Ninety-Nine Percent Of Iowa July Record Daily Maximums Occurred Below 350 PPM CO2 | Real ScienceCheck out this heatwave from May, 1934! If we had a May heatwave like that now, Joe Romm would demand immediate world communism.
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