Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What we know about climate change and drought
[Brad Plumber on the Washington Post site] Yes, North America has had worst droughts in the past. Scientists have looked at data from tree rings and found (pdf) that North America experienced some extremely brutal “megadroughts” during the medieval period. These droughts were similar in intensity to today’s, but lasted 20 to 40 years and were possibly linked to massive La Niña ocean events
Global Warming Strikes the Olympics - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
It might be too cold for the beach volleyball players to wear bikinis at the Olympics. We have to do something, before its too late
The unscientific basis of human-caused global warming hypotheses--an update | The Barbershop: Dennis Byrne, Proprietor
Grand unifying theories, such as the supposed "settled" question of man-made global warming, require caution, respect for the scientific method and, not the least, humility in the face of the complexity of the universe. Instead, some have elevated what is still hypothesis or, at best, theory into scientific law. (The differences between hypothesis, theory and law are explained here in About.com Chemistry.) They have played upon the public and media's craving for certainty. They have turned what should be a careful scientific dialogue into a belief system.
UCS : It Is All Your Fault | Real Science
Time to man up and admit that the complete lack of warming over the last 15 years is your fault. With 50% of the country obese, Paul Ehrlich`s warnings about starvation have proven to be correct. Your SUV ended the last ice age, and we never had heatwaves or droughts before. One more thing – we are changing our name to the Union of Neurotic Morons.
US Official: ‘Activate Your Science’ « NoFrakkingConsensus
If Lubchenco is arguing for some totally new approach to scientific inquiry that is separate and distinct from both the old scientific method and crass activism it certainly isn’t evident to this reader. Her 4,000-word speech contains no warnings about the dangers of full-fledged activism. She voices no concern about how activism betrays the public’s trust. Her speech issues no warnings about the good name of science being foolishly squandered by people who imagine that they are advancing a higher moral imperative.

In Lubchenco’s universe there is apparently no danger of scientists going overboard, of unconsciously biasing their research. She seems to think that earning a scientific degree somehow transforms individuals into infallible beings who will never fall victim to self-delusion, whose judgment calls will always be impeccable.

Activate your science. That was her advice.

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