Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Climate Common Sense: Hitler and the singing Trade Minister

It doesn't take long for Hitler to get into the act when political stupidity such as Craig Emerson's painful performance occurs.

Mt Baker WA - 5 to 9 inches of snow expected today

She doesn’t even hear herself | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Then there is this:

...we’ll be making a difference to the climate

By how much, Prime Minister? 0.00025 degrees? Or even less? Tell us how much difference we’ll make.

2450 Day Milestone Coming Up In Florida | Real Science

July 10 will mark 2450 days without a hurricane strike in Florida – by far the longest such period on record. CO2 is close to 400 ppm now.

During the 1880s, Florida was hit by eleven hurricanes, including three major hurricanes. CO2 was 290 ppm at the time.

This statistic is not important however, because they had a windy day in DC this week, which proves that CO2 is making the climate unbearable.

This Is What Climate Change Looks Like | Real Science

In the year 1900, the entire city of Galveston, Texas was destroyed by a hurricane, which killed nearly 10,000 people.

- Bishop Hill blog - Did Stern account for war and peace?

GWPF outlines a study by Erik Gartzke that discusses the links between global warming and war. Gartzke notes that post-war industrialisation is not only the putative cause of global warming but has also been associated with a steady decline in military strife. In fact, what evidence there is suggests that periods of global cooling are usually associated with the outbreak of hostiliities. 

Chris Horner: Warmists Are “Agenda-Driven People Seizing On Anything…Ignoring, Rewriting History”

35 Years Ago Today: Global Cooling Caused Severe Wind Damage « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Of course, those affected included many journalists, so it is only natural that they would speculate (and seek out experts to speculate) about the sinister causes of such an event.

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