Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Glover vs Worstall on whether bad-weather-preventing taxes are a great idea

The Commentator - Debunking the Great Carbon Tax hype
[Peter Glover] Britain (and Germany’s) anti-carbon war has actually succeeded only in hiking taxes, providing a windfall for government, driving up energy costs, hobbling industry competitiveness, costing jobs and dumping half a million people into fuel poverty while having precisely zero impact on carbon emissions. Tim Worstall’s ‘solution’ proposes the assimilation of the pestilence of (failed and financially sapping) green taxes into a socially ubiquitous carbon ‘poll’ tax toward what, as even Worstall admits, is an entirely “uncertain” end of ‘man-made’ climate manipulation.

Or put more succinctly: translate the unworkable into the unacceptable to achieve the delusional.
The Commentator - Debunking the Great Carbon Tax hype
[comment by Tim Worstall] A carbon tax at the social cost of carbon: and absolutely nothing else at all. A vastly cheaper solution....and given that we should lower other taxes to account for the carbon tax revenues one that has no nett costs.

Sounds like a bargain to me really.

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