Friday, July 27, 2012

More of that science we must listen to | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Listen to the science, we’re told. Well, OK:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Richard Lindzen, a global warming skeptic, told about 70 Sandia researchers in June that too much is being made of climate change by researchers seeking government funding. He said their data and their methods did not support their claims.
If I Only Had A Brain …. The Joe Romm Story | Real Science
Joe has declared war on Andy Revkin, and science. Joe is apparently also really pissed off at the author of the NASA Greenland melt study – who said that this has happened every 150 years for the last 10,000 years.

Suppose for a minute that Joe is right, and everyone else is wrong. Look at his graph below – had it not been for evil humans interfering in the climate system, we would be having an ice age. Sometime around the war of 1812 humans started doing something really bad to warm the climate up – and saved us all from freezing to death.
Errors in IPCC climate science » Blog Archive » Concise reminder of IPCC failings
New Zealand politician Rodney Hide discusses the IPCC.
Greens: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | Climate Nonconformist
The Greens are a big fan of information; other people’s information. When it comes to their own, however…
GREENS leader Christine Milne is sweet with the government’s refusal to release Treasury costings of Greens policies.

That is quite a turn-around from a party that perennially demands all be revealed by government and has stated that the so-called right to know trumps even national security concerns – though not surprising from one which keeps even its leadership contests as secret as the Cold War Kremlin’s.
Quadrant Online - Climate Commission in Melbourne
Years ago Private Eye defined an environmental disaster as a man with a beard on television and an environmental catastrophe as a number of men with beards on television. After attending the “Conversation” that is as good a piece of evidence for climate catastrophe as anything that was said in the meeting.

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