Thursday, July 26, 2012

Scientists: Remember when we convinced you to spend at least billions of dollars on that CFC/Ozone scare? We just decided that water vapor and temperature are far more important than CFCs

Strong Storms Threaten Ozone Layer Over U.S., Study Says -
...climate scientists say one effect of global warming is an increase in the intensity and frequency of storms, it is not yet clear whether the number of such injection events will rise.

“Nobody understands why this convection can penetrate as deeply as it does,” said Dr. Anderson, who has studied the atmosphere for four decades.
If CFCs had not been banned, the ozone layer would be in far worse shape than it is. But by showing that CFC-related ozone destruction can occur in conditions other than the cold ones at the poles, the study suggests that the full recovery of the ozone layer may be further off than previously considered.

“The world said, ‘Oh, we’ve controlled the source of CFCs; we can move on to something else,’ ” Dr. Anderson said. “But the destruction of ozone is far more sensitive to water vapor and temperature.”
Ozone Layer: A Closer Look at the Fraud « The AntiSlave
[2006] Does everyone remember the Montreal protocol that required developed countries like United States, Canada and the UK being required to phase out CFCs in 1995 with the rest of the world, like China, India and Mexico coming on board by 2010?

We were told that man-made CFCs would last in the atmosphere for some 20 to 80 years and continue to break down the ozone layer?

Now we must remember how “lucky” it was that Dupont had developed the right replacement chemicals and had warehouses full of the stuff on hand to cater to our need to cut out the use of CFCs.

The Montreal Protocol cost Billions, if not Trillions of consumer dollars. Old air conditioning, freezers and fridges could not be repaired. they had to be replaced replaced (with all the environmental implications of having to produce more steel, use energy to manufacture more units,…). CFCs were so valuable that criminals made a very good living out of smuggling 20 lb tanks of CFCs from mexico into Canada at $600 per tank.

Some very expensive protocols were put into place requiring that all technicians hold a licence (think of it as a tax) to handle and store CFCs. Every ounce was recovered and recycled – only to be cleaned and pumped into some other refrigerating device that ultimately leaked it to the environment.

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