Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Climate change and sexual dysfunction; or how the polar bear lost its wiener | Minda Berbeco
It turns out that chemicals that humans are releasing into the environment are shriveling the polar bears wiener. I’m not kidding about this.
Twitter / NickKristof: Global warming may be linked ...
Global warming may be linked to hurricane intensity. Do we see a divine reprimand of Republicans for climate skepticism?
The Man-made CO2 Global Warming Fraud!
In this documentary, Al Gore fudged the Vostok Ice core temperature and CO2 line graphs so it would show a CO2 spike coming first in time, but the real graph showed just the opposite.
The carbon tax just became another damaging tax grab | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Henry Ergas on the cost of the latest Gillard Government backtrack - dropping the $15 a tonne floor price on carbon permits
Climate Science Falsehoods Repeated With PR Orchestrated Counterattack
[Tim Ball] Why do ‘official’ climate scientists need spin doctors? Because they practice politics not science. Climategate like Watergate was completely undone by the cover up of disgraceful behavior disclosed in emails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in November 2009.

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