Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Stick It Where the Global Warming Don't Shine :: SteynOnline
When last we heard from Michael Mann, his chest-thumping lawyer was bellowing, "I don't bluff."
Actually, I'll bet Michael Mann had never heard of me when he blew his gasket, and I'll wager his high-priced counsel never bothered doing two minutes of Googling. If they had, they'd have known that once they start this thing they'd better be prepared to go the distance.

For my part, although I've been dismissive of Mann's "hockey stick" for over a decade, I'd never paid much attention to him personally. All I'd say is he seems strangely insecure for a person of such eminence. I wonder what he'll be like on the witness stand...
Climate High-Sticking: The Unmanly Mann | Power Line
As I say, deposing this entire happy band of climateers will be great fun.

Mann has a history of running to the courtroom. He sued Canada’s Tim Ball for saying that Mann belongs in the state pen rather than Penn State. Methinks maybe Ball got it wrong. Mann may be headed for a padded cell somewhere. By the way, hasn’t Mann heard of the track record of people who haul Mark Steyn into court? It isn’t pretty.
(Mann)ing Up | RedState
National Review Advises Dr. Mann Exactly Where He Can Go Sheath The Hockey Stick
There are certain oxymoronic clichés that get trotted out de tiempo a tiempo to tepid applause and politely forced laughter. Military Intelligence, honor among whores and rank among Civil Servants are an indicative subset. We can now add credibility among climate scientists to the burgeoning list.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Mann v. Steyn
A month later, the blog post is still there, and National Review is not backing down.

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