Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Mysterious Oxidant X | The Resilient Earth
Take a look a the diagram above that tries to explain a possible mechanism behind a newly discovered unknown factor that may have a major impact on cloud creation—clouds being one of the less understood regulators of climate. Science does not know everything that affects climate change and most of what it does know is not fully understood. Our ignorance aside, we are expected to implement radical economic and sociological changes to our civilization to avoid a postulated climate “catastrophe.” Evidently scientific consensus means “let's all be stupid together.”
Autos must average 54.5 mpg by 2025, new EPA standards say - The Washington Post
“Vehicles that go much farther on a gallon of gasoline are the best weapon we have against rising gas prices,” said Daniel J. Weiss, senior fellow and director of climate strategy at the liberal think tank Center for American Progress.
Wait, now the Center for American Progress claims to want *low* gas prices?! 

Quadrant Online - Catastropharians give a hoot

Twitter / Gaius_Publius: [Michael Mann retweets a link to a "Climate Crisis elevator speech" that suggests that CO2 may cause industrial society to collapse around the year 2100]
[retweeted by Michael Mann] Your Climate Crisis elevator speech http://bit.ly/Rq9UHp @Gaius_Publius / c @MichaelEMann @ringoffireradio
US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Your Climate Crisis elevator speech
There's only two ways to stop — voluntarily, or after we're pre-industrial. If we never stop, global warming will level off a few decades after industrial society collapses. Projections of the "do nothing" (Stop Never) scenario put that around 2100.
Al Gore: I fear a Romney-Ryan White House - Patrick Gavin - POLITICO.com
Not surprisingly, former Vice President Al Gore thinks a President Mitt Romney and Vice President Paul Ryan will spell doom for the Earth and its environment.
Is there insufficient ice for polar bears to den offshore? | polarbearscience
What I find astonishing is that despite the known use of offshore sea ice for denning by pregnant females, the report supplied in support for the listing of the polar bear as a threatened species (Bergen et al. 2007:6) modelled only future changes to terrestrial denning habitat – it did not address offshore sea ice denning habitat at all.
Our SimCity government | The SPPI Blog
[Driessen/Legates] What we need is a LibertyCity game. It would be like SimCity, and players would still be mayors, but citizens would enjoy and be responsible for government of, by and for the people. Make taxes oppressive, and you get replaced. Squander money by padding the pockets of your friends, and you land in jail. Invest in fly-by-night enterprises like Solyndra or Fisker Automotive, and you are out of office.
GM: Chevy Volt output break due to Impala retooling
General Motors is shutting down, for a month, the plant that makes its well-known Chevrolet Volt extended-range electric car. But GM says its is for retooling to produce the coming new Impala, and not, as the report indicated, to cut back this year's Volt production.

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