Thursday, August 16, 2012

"End times in America": Eight minutes of barking-mad carbon dioxide hysteria on MSNBC video: Agribusiness and climate change amid dramatic US drought
[From the transcript at the link above] weather is being disturbed everywhere. i think all over the world , people know something's not right. the world is changing. indeed, it is. that's what the science shows. but we have been so much in the grip of the oil lobby which is the world 's most powerful lobby, that it has turned off the debate on this for years and now people are saying what is going on. it's reckless what we've been doing. just driving the world economy to disaster, pretending it's not there because the koch brothers or somebody who have the largest private oil industry buy politicians and then they turn their eyes, but everybody else in the world now sees it.

>> well, eric, in " rolling stone " you guys printed a series of pieces by a great authority on these matters, and this week you focus on the melting of the greenland ice sheet abruptly and sort of in terrifying fashion to those that watch of the points that bill makes is the movement to mobilize against global warming has never really had a clear enemy because the movement has never been willing to say who's to blame here, and the oil lobby is really who's to blame here. those fossil fuel industries are what's killing us.
>> this is right to the core, the midwest of the united states hasn't seen anything like this. i'm sure it's going to change politics. i think you're completely right. what we see already in the opinion surveys is that americans, but it's true all over the world , who say something's wrong, humans are changing the earth in dangerous ways, those numbers are soaring. people don't need to be convinced. actually, they see it, they feel it with their own eyes, the storms we've had on the east coast here, electricity knocked out, the dangers, people killed, you see it all over the world happening right now but we have corporate propaganda leading the way. it is the koch brothers...the president is now talking about meat in freezers and holding on to surpluses because we can't afford to feed the cows, that's what you think of when you think of end times in america.
>> what's also true is we are putting a huge part of our corn production into the gas tank where it does not belong, taking it out of the food supply . so that whole ethanol scam which has been a scam for powerful corporate interests, is something that has to go and it should go right now before this builds into huge food price can read "the arctic ice crisis" in " rolling stone " on newsstands this friday.

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