Sunday, August 12, 2012

VP Candidate Paul Ryan: Climatologists “Intentionally Mislead The Public On Climate Change”
...we have a VP candidate who is a pretty solid skeptic when it comes to catastrophic manmade global warming. Romney is obviously comfortable with that and is using Ryan to reposition himself on the issue of global warming and energy.
Einstein : “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” | Real Science
The current belief of liberals is slightly different

     Anything the government says must be blindly accepted
- Bishop Hill blog - Ten Billion
The Guardian's science editor, Robin McKie, has been to the theatre. He went to see Ten Billion, a one-man show by computer scientist Stephen Emmott. This is slightly odd. The Guardian is losing tens of millions of pounds every year and yet this is their second review of the show. I wonder why they would be plugging it so much?

The answer, of course, is that it's a show about man's impact on the planet - it is in essence a lecture by a somewhat millenarian academic with no particular expertise in the area.
August 1969 : Hurricane Camille Had 190 MPH Winds – Killed Hundreds Of People | Real Science
It was of course no match for Irene’s massive 50 MPH winds at landfall.
How Wireless Charging Could Speed Up The Electric Car Market | ThinkProgress
if we built electric roadways equipped with Halo-style charging pads, the range limitations of EVs could be addressed.
On a related note, if a million monkeys could be induced to fly out of my butt, and if each one of them gave me a $1 bill, I'd have a million dollars in cash!!

If that happens, I promise to devote a portion of the money to the development of new clean energy sources and walkable neighborhoods.

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