Sunday, September 09, 2012

A Year Late And A Dollar Short | Real Science
Last year as Irene made landfall, I posted that it did not have hurricane force winds. My post made Drudge and I got thousands of flame comments from warmists who insisted that Irene was the worst hurricane in history.

A year later, leading hurricane alarmist Kerry Emanuel has acknowledged that Irene was not a hurricane at landfall.
Suzuki: A wake-up call from Arctic as ice melts | Column | Opinion | Sudbury Star
A study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters concludes that melting Arctic ice could lead to more extreme weather events, including drought, floods, heat waves, and cold spells -- especially in Europe and North America.
A study conducted for the Pew Environment Group concludes, "In 2010, the loss of Arctic snow, ice and permafrost is estimated to cost the world US$61 billion to $371 billion in lost climate cooling services. By 2050, the cumulative global cost is projected to range from US$2.4 trillion to $24.1 trillion; and by 2100, the cumulative cost could total between US$4.8 trillion and $91.3 trillion."
Lewandowsky et al. Proves Skeptics are Reasonable and Pro-Science | Climate Skeptic
By Lewandowsky’s own data, skeptics are 30-100 times less gullible than the average American or Brit.

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