Sunday, September 23, 2012

Andy Dessler Shows Why He Is Not An Economist « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
Dessler might be an intelligent climate scientist, but it is clear he is no economist. I am, so let me point out a few holes in Andy’s plans.
Alex Salmond's wind farm delusion » Spectator Blogs
Gordon Hughes’ numbers are even more startling. He estimates that even under the most optimistic view of a wind-dominated future, the cost of mitigating global warming would be nine times the cost of global warming itself.

Alex Salmond’s cunning plan bets the house on taxpayers and consumers continuing to fund vast transfers of wealth from the poor to the rich in the form of feed in tariffs and subsidies. If he achieves his dream of independence, he will be relying on Scottish taxpayers willingness to subsidise electricity for the English. It all has something of the air of a latter-day Darien scheme about it. Plausible at first glance, but in reality beset with flaws that could lead to its overwhelming Scotland entirely.

We have a latter-day Darien scheme run by a latter-day Blackadder. What could possibly go wrong?
Andrew Montford is the author of The Hockey Stick Illusion
Yes, America, There Is a War on Coal
We’re in terra incognita. There’s no precedent. Without a Congressional mandate, the executive has taken it upon itself to seek out and destroy an industry. In so doing, agencies are seeking out novel powers pursuant to existing statutes. To me, as a free marketeer, it’s outrageous that the fate of an entire economic sector can hang in the balance of a Presidential race. It should go without saying that the shifting sands of politics are an unsuitable foundation for wealth creation in America. I’ll end by hopefully quoting Ty Webb: “This isn’t Russia. Is this Russia? This isn’t Russia.”
September, 1775 – US Hit By Two Deadly Hurricanes | Real Science
Climate experts tell us that the hurricanes which we are not having now, would be much worse if they actually were happening.

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