Sunday, September 23, 2012

Articles: Reefer Madness (Climate Change Edition)
Here we go again. The global warming grant-seekers and their promoters at the United Nations have thrown some more data into their Big If Machine and come up with another argument for destroying the world's economy, impoverishing or eliminating millions, and violating natural rights in the name of Gaia.
Articles: Fixing the Economy Is Not Rocket Science
Romney has prioritized five key areas to reverse Democrat policies. The number-one boost to economic growth is always energy. Energy runs everything, and the price of energy affects everything.
...Obama, indeed any Democrat, cannot and will not allow America to become energy-wealthy, because Democrats' green voting base fears fossil fuel. Obama is using the EPA to block fracking, to end the coal industry (which fuels half of our electricity), and to block off-shore drilling. Romney will allow America to use our wealth of natural resources. It can be done in the right places, with safe methods and proper regulation, but it must be done if we are to thrive.

We are talking about a lot of wealth. Thanks to fracking, America could be producing more oil and natural gas energy on a daily basis than current U.S. imports from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Venezuela, Colombia, Algeria, Nigeria, and Russia combined. The United States' combined recoverable natural gas, oil, and coal endowment is the largest on Earth.

The impact of cheap energy boosts jobs in expanding circles. Men with high school diplomas pull down $100,000 salaries in the oil and gas fields. Next circle out: cheap natural gas has revived our steel industry, making American steel production globally competitive again. Same for plastics and the chemical industry. Healthy industries mean healthy towns, money for taxes, a sustainable social safety net. A healthy country.

Excellent working-class jobs, cheap gas, lower consumer prices so the money in your paycheck goes much farther. Using our energy resources is a huge win for every family and entirely, easily doable.

Energy alone is a reason to vote Republican. Our economy will not survive if starved of affordable energy.

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