Monday, September 24, 2012

Jason Alexander [Allegedly] Smokes Ron Christie On Climate Change on "Real Time" - Democratic Underground
Ron Christie saying that scientists disagree on climate change. Alexander's response:

"Let's take the top 50 climate change deniers and put them on the shrinking arctic ice mass. If they're still there in 5 years, they were right."
The Dirty Little Secret About Arctic Ice | Real Science
The vast majority of multi-year ice is lost during the winter, not the summer. Winter winds blow the thick ice out into the North Atlantic where it melts when it contacts warmer water.

Between 1988 and 1996, two thirds of the five year old ice disappeared.
Evidence that stratospheric circulation changes drive ocean changes, and thus climate changes | Watts Up With That?
From the University of Utah and the “science is not settled” department comes this interesting bit of research.
The Press Association: Miliband urges decarbonising goal
Writing in Inside Track, the journal of environmental think-tank Green Alliance, Mr Miliband said: "Investing in the infrastructure for a low carbon economy will both kick start the growth that is missing and make our economy resilient to price shocks in an age of scarcity. It is governments which set the low carbon targets and correct market failures; and the degree of support for policies shown by governments is a major part of perceived risk for investors.
Greenpeace policy adviser Joss Garman said: "There is now no excuse for Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats not to commit to carbon-free electricity by 2030. Both the Energy Committee, and John Gummer's climate change committee, are advising the Lib Dems that this measure is essential for our economy and environment. Miliband's announcement means that with Labour and Lib Dem votes, this policy can and should become law."

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