Sunday, September 02, 2012

Storms, drought overshadow UN climate change - Tehran Times
"Climate change and typhoons or droughts like in the United States are interlinked," said UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres.

"These strong weather events will occur more frequently and more intensely but they are not caused by climate change. The frequency and intensity is affected by climate change," she told reporters.
"We need massively increased finance for adaptation and for action to reduce emissions and we need to set up a proper international co-ordination process to deliver resources for adaptation to those in most need," said the chair of the Least Developed Countries group, Pa Ousman Jarju of Gambia.
Psychology for a safe climate
An Italian psychoanalyst Riccardo Romana (1997) has used the term Omerta—the code of silence. A term used to describe the code of secrecy - especially one taken by fellow members of criminal organization, such as the mafia.
This kind of deafening silence has .... been particularly noticeable when climate change is mentioned in normal social life.
This neighborhood is keeping pace with climate change | TG Daily
This neighborhood design is based on climate modeling that predicts fewer but heavier rain showers for Copenhagen — a phenomenon the city has already observed order the last two summers.
Inconvenient Truth: CO2 Disconnect With Global Temperature Continues! — The Patriot Post
With climate change a huge issue this election season, we should review the latest facts on the matter. In this chart, CO2 continues its rise. The global temperatures, however, have not only leveled off, they have begun to fall. This result is in line with natural climate cycle theory.

If the admission to the school of your choice, be it Cornell, or lets say Columbia or Harvard, depended on you answering this question -- "Given the facts presented in the chart above, is CO2 driving the Earth’s temperature?" -- how would you answer it?

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