Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Breakthrough Institute - The Politics of Prediction
[Pielke Jr] For instance, Silver explains that The Weather Channel introduces a bias into its forecasts such that low probabilities of rain are routinely increased, explaining, “If it rains when it isn’t supposed to, they curse the weatherman for ruining their picnic, whereas an unexpectedly sunny day is taken as a serendipitous bonus.” Silver critiques this as “not good science” but doesn’t really follow through on the implications – The Weather Channel is providing not just science, but entertainment and even an opportunity for satisfaction, a fact readily acknowledged by The Weather Channel executive interviewed by Silver...Probably wisely for an up and coming public intellectual, Silver does not follow through on the various ways that politics actually does get in the way of good forecasts and good decisions. He engages some of these issues in his discussion of the housing bubble but avoids essentially all of them in his discussion of climate change.
Twitter / RyanMaue: The PBS Newshour video is another ...
The PBS Newshour video is another datapoint proving the fanaticism of climate change believers -- it's their religion, sad to say.
NOAA experiment shows US temperatures not as warm as reported - Wry Heat
The difference in temperatures recorded by the two networks shows that the old USHCN has been overstating the temperature anywhere from +0.5°C on average, up to almost +4.0°C (+0.9°F to +7.2°F) in some locations during the summer months. Remember that when you see headlines blaring that a certain day, week, month, year was the warmest since…. whenever. The new USCRN data is more in line with the satellite temperature record.
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: 1st ever Sept : coldest antarctic ...
1st ever Sept : coldest antarctic sept temp, highest sea ice for date, and snow in wisconsin. must be climate change
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: Warmingistas.. your summer ...
Warmingistas.. your summer offensive ( your skewing of facts is offensive) is over. Global temps dropping against norm

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