Sunday, October 07, 2012

- Bishop Hill blog - Toeing the line
Booker's column today tells the story of an A' Level student who dared to question the AGW consensus in his exam. He received a grade E.
The UK education system is designed to produce not educated young people, but people who are willing to pay lip-service to the socialist shibboleth du jour.
Flying – More Hollywood Champange Enviormentalist Green Hypocrisy « Tory Aardvark
There is this common misconception in Green Hollywood that if you fly first class on a normal scheduled airline to an environmental conference, instead of using your own private jet then you have made the ultimate sacrifice and your Green credentials have, well for wont of a better expression, even more credibility.
P.Gosselin: German Meteorologist On Temperature Models: “So Far They Are Wrong For ALL Atmospheric Layers!” | Climate Realists

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