Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cold weather claims one champ at Auckland triathlon grand final
Sunday's wet and cold Auckland weather put a dampener on the crowd numbers at the triathlon grand final, and also ended the hopes of New Zealand's only world champion at the event.

Waikato's Mikayla Nielsen was forced to withdraw while in the lead group on the final run leg of the under-19 Junior Women's race, suffering from hypothermia.
With Politics Above All - Marita Noon
Interestingly, a series of emails exposed global warming, er, climate change, and the funding of green energy to be the scams that they are. Together they are “sustainable.”

On global warming, the “climategate” emails revealed that data had been manipulated and suppressed to produce the desired results.

On green energy, emails that came to light in the hearings held by the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight showed how political connections were used to push loan guarantees through and expedite permits.

Within the past week some interesting details came to light on both scams.
Least scientific members of the House Science Committee -
Hall also once said of climate change: “I’m really more fearful of freezing. And I don’t have any science to prove that. But we have a lot of science that tells us they’re not basing it on real scientific facts.”
Roger Andrews: How NASA GISS Manufactures Warming in the Antarctic « Tallbloke's Talkshop
The 1945-55 temperatures come entirely from stations on and around the Antarctic Peninsula that show much more warming than the mainland stations over the period of common record after 1955, and the 1904-44 temperatures come from a single station – Base Orcadas in the South Orkneys northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Projecting temperatures from the Antarctic Peninsula over the entire the entire 64-90S latitude zone, which covers an area of 25 million square kilometers, is bad enough, and projecting temperatures from a single record like Base Orcadas over a zone this large is even worse. But it gets worse yet. The map below shows where Base Orcadas is. At 60 degrees 44 minutes south latitude IT ISN’T EVEN IN the 64-90S latitude zone. It’s in the next GISS latitude zone up – the 44-64S zone.

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