Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Tabloid "climatologist"] Bill McKibben: Hurricane Sandy a 'wake-up call' on climate change - Darren Goode - POLITICO.com
Environmental activist Bill McKibben says Sandy should be a “wake-up call” to elected officials about the effects of climate change.

“This is an absolutely unprecedented storm,” he said Monday evening.
Clean Development Mechanism Set for Revamp as Carbon Drops - Businessweek
UN emission credits may drop close to zero this year before a possible rebound after 2015, according to Orbeo.
German Meteorological Expert Says: “No Evidence Showing Link Between Storms And Global Warming”
When asked about the global warming-storm link, Brandt said that by looking back at the global data available over the last decades, there’s “no indication or evidence showing there’s been an increase in storm activity. The data don’t show it.” He added: “Luckily we don’t need to worry much about increasing storms in the future”.
RealClearMarkets - The Failures of "Green Energy" Industrial Policy
One inexorable conclusion is reached: lithium ion battery powered vehicles are a tiny niche market of a niche market for automotive manufacturers competing in the U.S. marketplace. A small percentage of American consumers are willing to purchase hybrid vehicles that are primarily powered by internal combustion engines and supplemented by electric battery power. For the plug-in electric vehicle market, today there are precious few seriously interested consumers. Apparently, the Obama administration's "green energy" industrial policy is not changing the minds of many American consumers. That is a decision they will make for themselves - when the lithium ion battery technology meets their demands at a price they can afford.

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