Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This seems odd: People who allegedly believe in the global warming hoax are burning more American coal?

US shale gas drives up coal exports | Watts Up With That?
Professor Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Centre notes: “Since 2008 when the shale gas supply became significant, there has been a large increase in US coal exports. This increases global emissions as the UK, Europe and Asia are burning the coal instead..."
Wait, what?!  I thought it was only the knuckle-draggin', pistol-packin', cousin-marryin', non-Teva-wearin' American bible-bangers who didn't believe in the global warming hoax.   What are our superiors in other countries doing burning our planet-destroying, storm-surge-causing coal?

I guess since those non-Americans are so good with the book-learnin' and all, and since they're smart enough to believe everything that Al Gore and Michael Mann say, they must not be actually burning the coal. Maybe they are buying it so that they can safely sequester it deep underground, where it can't cause kidney stones and blizzards?


chris y said...

Tom, you don't understand. Once the extracting evil-doers have gashed Gaia, the innocents cannot help but burn Satan's rocks. That's why we must blame oil and gas companies for CO2 emissions, not the child-like consumer who knows not what he does.

chris y said...

Maybe the clever carbon sewage pirates have figured out a new scheme where they buy coal from the US, export it to China, and collect carbon credit payments or avoid VAT payments elsewhere.