Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Global warming means that flying across the Atlantic is now as unacceptable as child abuse": Check out this insane rant from George Monbiot in 1999, before we allegedly found out that global warming is worse than we expected

George Monbiot – Meltdown
Global warming means that flying across the Atlantic is now as unacceptable as child abuse

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 29th July 1999.

The global meltdown has begun. Long predicted and long denied, the effects of climate change are arriving faster than even the gloomiest prophets expected.

This week we learnt that the Arctic ecosystem is collapsing. The ice is melting, wiping out the feeding grounds of whales and walruses. Polar bear and seal populations appear to have halved.
One month ago, the Red Cross reported that natural disasters uprooted more people in 1998 than all the wars and conflicts on earth combined. Climate change, it warned, is about to precipitate a series of “super-disasters”, a “new scale of catastrophe”...The British Government’s chief scientist has warned that climate change could cause the Gulf Stream to grind to a halt.
Climate change is perhaps the gravest calamity our species has ever encountered. Its impact dwarfs that of any war, any plague, any famine we have confronted so far. It makes genocide and ethnic cleansing look like sideshows at the circus of human suffering. A car is now more dangerous than a gun; flying across the Atlantic is as unacceptable, in terms of its impact on human well-being, as child abuse. The rich are at play in the world’s killing fields...The world is dying, and people are killing themselves with laughter  [Via Climate Resistance]


Anonymous said...

He's not called "the Moonbat" for nothing.

Wonder if he has any kids and if he believes he is responsible for their carbon pollution?

Time for a hair shirt wardrobe, Georgy boy.

Jack Savage said...

Since writing that, he has flown the Atlantic at least once...and bought a car!