Friday, October 19, 2012

What is ethical energy and why aren’t the candidates talking about it?
To get some perspective on this exchange, I called Marc Morano, communications director of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a positive voice on environment and development issues. Morano told me about his Climate Depot project and its current campaign, “Ethical Energy.”

The idea, he told me, is this: Limits on North American drilling, mining, pipelines and energy extraction only increase U.S. reliance on “conflict energy” from places like the Middle East, Venezuela and China, where human rights and environmental protection may be less than desirable.
Call for Action on Sea Level Rise |
[2-minute video] Scientists and activists, standing in flood waters on Miami Beach, call for the presidential candidates to address sea level rise.
Twitter / ejgertz: #sej12 Hayhoe: "Best National ...
#sej12 Hayhoe: "Best National Academy of Science report that no one has ever read is "Climate Stabilization Targets."
Twitter / AMSPolicy: Hayhoe: Making people feel ...
Hayhoe: Making people feel good about themselves, not bad, is crucial to solving the #climate problem. #sej2012 HT @rachaelgleason @KHayhoe

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