Thursday, December 13, 2012

Deutsche Bank execs investigated in carbon fraud crackdown
Two senior executives are among 25 Deutsche Bank employees under investigation as part of a widening tax fraud probe related to the trading of carbon credits.

Five Deutsche Bank employees were due to appear before a judge today after being arrested during raids of the the bank's headquarters and private residences in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt yesterday.
Oil at $60 or $120 Doesn’t Prevent U.S. Supplanting Saudis - Bloomberg
Whether crude costs $60 a barrel or twice that amount, the U.S. is almost free of depending on imported energy and positioned to supplant Saudi Arabia as the world’s No. 1 producer of oil.
Holy alliance on climate change - The West Australian
The Anglican and Uniting churches have banded together to call for urgent action on climate change.

They say the issue has become largely invisible in WA politics and urge the parties to outline their plans to tackle global warming.
Up to two feet of snow for Mt Lemmon Arizona
Mt Lemmon lies just 30 miles north of Tucson, and rises to 9,157 feet (2,791 m) above sea level.*
Climate Literacy? No, Says Texas Tech Scientist … ‘Meta-Literacy?’ Yes. | The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media
Those of us who are trained scientists, but who do not have enough personal literacy to independently evaluate a particular statement, do not throw up our hands in despair. Instead, we evaluate the source and the context. We scientists rely upon a hierarchy of reliability.”

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