Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Doomsday Clock Set To 5 Minutes To Midnight As Climate Change Rivals Nuclear Peril
Aside from nuclear weaponry, climate change poses the greatest risk to humanity.
Twitter / RyanMaue: Thru mid-January, global temps ...
Thru mid-January, global temps are about 0.02°C above 30-year mean -- that's about 3/100ths of a degree F.
GISS Fiddle The Numbers Again – (Upwards Of Course) « NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
On running the last set of GISS temperature data through my spreadsheet, I noticed that they had added 0.03C, or more, of warming onto their numbers for January through to October 2012. For instance, January was 0.32C, and has been changed to 0.36C.

I cannot tell specifically when the numbers were changed, but the fact that October has been changed suggests that the changes were made in the last two months.

The net result is that the anomaly for the whole year is 0.56C, instead of 0.53C.

But it gets worse, as similar changes have been found back to 1998
Huntsman: Fossil fuel divestment by colleges ‘a good thing’ | JunkScience.com
So who will invest in daddy’s fossil fuel dependent $11 billion chemical company?

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