Saturday, January 26, 2013

FLAMES DOWN | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
Historical analysis of wildfires around the world shows that since 1950 their numbers have decreased globally by 15%.
Forget Brussels: now we are ruled by the giants of Geneva - Telegraph
[Booker] The Palmer Drought Severity Index shows no rising trend of drought in the US since the 1880s (the 1930s Dust Bowl disaster long preceding the scare over global warming). Figures from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration similarly show no rising trend in US hurricane activity (more intense in the 1950s than in recent years)...

I am not sure that the President’s wish to see yet more subsidies poured into windmills and solar panels will do as much to change the Earth’s climate as he fondly believes.
Twitter / aDissentient: Which of the following hypotheses ...
Which of the following hypotheses has more empirical support: (a) cAGW (b) most sceptics are funded by big oil.
Twitter / LittleIceAge: Climate change is real, cooling ...
Climate change is real, cooling is coming. This is the new weather norm.
Twitter / billmckibben: So proud of the crowd that ...
So proud of the crowd that turned out in the Portland cold today to protest tarsands! #messagesent
Twitter / PeterGleick: #Climate doesn't happen in ...
#Climate doesn't happen in a big deep swirling atmosphere. It happens in a thin, delicate film over the planet. No wonder we’re altering it.

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