Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Revkin on the "98% consensus" meme: "I agree that part is flawed boilerplate"

Twitter / Revkin: Essential reading from Keyfitz ...
[Revkin] Essential reading from Keyfitz at On CO2>climate skepticism being a bad investment:

Maurizio Morabito @omnologos
How can it be "essential reading" when it repeats silly 98% meme? @Revkin @SeekingAlpha

[Revkin] @omnologos @SeekingAlpha I agree that part is flawed boilerplate.
Here's the sentence that Revkin referred to:
Among climate scientists, the consensus is even stronger -- 96-98% agree with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that anthropogenic climate change is a reality with serious consequences that must be addressed (Bray 2010).

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