Thursday, March 28, 2013

Are global warmists preparing exit strategies? | The k2p blog
Are global warmists preparing their arguments so that they can have exit strategies ready for when they have to abandon the global warming religion?

The purpose of an exit strategy is – as a minimum – to save face and minimise losses.
Opinion: Life as a Target | Watts Up With That?
[Monckton] It is imperative that we take no action now to squander trillions enriching charlatans like Michael E. Mann. It would be one or two orders of magnitude less cost-effective to spend a single red cent today than to let global warming happen, enjoy the sunshine, go surfing, and pay the minuscule cost of adapting to its consequences the day after tomorrow.

Global warming? As we shivering Scots lairds say as we carry glasses well filled with single malt whisky to our aged retainers as they gallantly shovel feet of unseasonal snow off our three-mile driveways, “Bring it on!”.
Study: Cold cities less sustainable than warm cities — Not green: Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Rochester, Buffalo and Chicago |
“In simple terms, it takes less energy to cool a room down by one degree than it does to heat it up by one degree.”
We don't have enough data to make predictions yet
That is the basic message in the journal article below by Carl Wunsch et al. -- in which he points out how short are the timespans over which important datasets have been gathered

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