Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Big Trouble Ahead For Hansen | Real Science
Temperatures have been running well below Hansen’s zero emissions scenario C, but March temperatures are going to be very low – and no La Nina to blame things on this year.

He has run out of places to hide.
Yale Alumni Magazine | The most hated climate scientist in the US fights back
[A reader writes "Mann is blasted in the comments by Yale alumni. Funny.". Via MiM]
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: I Remain "Roughly" 18 Feet Tall
Tellingly, in his rebuttal, Grinsted has committed the exact same type of error that was committed in his original paper -- he has looked at data and seen in it something which it does not hold.

The bottom line here is clear. If you want to look at trends in hurricanes, there is absolutely no need to construct abstract indices as there is actually good data on hurricanes themselves. Look for yourself
The Reference Frame: Matt Ridley on the greening planet
Other particular examples of the greening of the Earth and of the expanding life come from Sahel, Amazon forest, the U.K., the U.S. East Coast, Svalbard, and others including the island that hosts both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Haiti is the brown, ugly, and lifeless part of the island because it's been crippled by the "renewable" scumbags.

The technological and industrial development isn't the culprit here: it's part of the solution. Do you agree?

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