Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Climate change to be removed from national curriculum - UK
The topic of climate change has been removed from the latest draft guidelines of the national curriculum for children in key stages 1-3. The topic is no longer taught in geography and only a single reference occurs within chemistry.
Earth's interior cycles contributed to long-term sea-level and climate change
Washington, Mar 19 (ANI): Cyclical activity below the Earth's surface does indeed play a part in rising sea levels and global warming, a new study has found.

However, the article's authors, New York University's Michael Rampino and Carleton University's Andreas Prokoph, note that changes spurred by the earth's interior are gradual, taking place in periods ranging from 60 million to 140 million years-far less rapidly than those brought on by human activity.
Burton's Spirit Pub Company blames cold weather for drop in sales | This is Derbyshire
PROLONGED cold weather throughout January and February has hit sales at a Burton pub chain.
Arab Spring, Warmist Spin - Robert Zubrin - National Review Online
It can be seen that, while global temperatures did indeed rise, according to the NOAA, from 1915 to 1942, and then again from 1975 to 2002, they have not risen since. It should also be noted that since the warming trend began, grain yields have multiplied. U.S. corn yields per acre, for example, have increased sixfold since 1925, and there have been even larger gains in many Third World nations.

It is difficult to understand how anyone can make the claim that the Arab revolts of 2011 could have been caused by a wheat shortage caused by global warming when, in fact, there was no wheat shortage and there was no warming.

Unless of course, such people are willing to say anything, no matter how ridiculous, if it might serve the purpose of spreading panic over global warming.

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