Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hypocritical Clegg Off To Davos
[Nick Clegg] I passionately believe that climate change is one of the greatest problems we face today.
...I am installing energy saving light bulbs throughout my home and I try to use public transport as far as possible. I recycle recyclable waste at home, try to cut down on the unnecessary use of paper in the office, and unplug all unused electrical appliances. Energy consumption will certainly be a far greater consideration next time I look to purchase a new car or household appliances such as a fridge or kettle. I am also looking into switching to more environmentally responsible gas and electricity suppliers.
Today, however, the Daily Mirror report that Cleggy is flying off with his family to Davos, for a holiday at his parents’ 20 room chalet.
Yes, Nick, that will really help tackle climate change!
Is Duke's basketball team worse than global warming? | Aliya Haq's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
In October 2012, MunichRe released a report on severe weather, including storms, floods, heat waves, and droughts. The report found that the number of North American weather catastrophes has quintupled over the last 30 years
The Silence Of The Cherry Pickers | Real Science
January to March 2012 was the warmest in US History (just barely warmer than 1921) and NOAA has discussed this endlessly.

What they are not saying is that before they tamper with the data, the same period in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013 were all below average.
178:1 Ratio Of Record Lows To Record Highs | Real Science

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