Monday, March 04, 2013

Lord Monckton challenges Greens to a debate at Wagga school - Press releease.
Now therefore I challenge the nine Federal Senators of the Traffic-Light Tendency (the Greens too Yellow to admit they’re Reds) to elect one of them defend the New Religion against my contention that it is pietistic, illogical and exaggerated
ABC News Watch: Lies of the Climate Commission: Part 14 - Climate on steriods!
Let's compare the portents of climate doom of 2010 with another random year, lets take 1953, before modern warming-surely things were much calmer back then.
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?
Fred Singer suggested three questions for staffers to ask global warming / climate change / extreme weather event advocates. One, Please explain to me why there has been no warming for more than a decade, even though atmospheric carbon dioxide continues to rise. The question was supported by graphic evidence. The follow-up was a quote from Phil Jones of HadCRU admitting there has been no statistically significant surface warming for at least 15 years.

The second question was: Can you explain why the Antarctic has been getting colder and GAINING ice? (2.1 trillion tons/yr for past 150 yrs)? The scientific articles supporting the question were cited.

And the third question was: Could the Sun (or cosmic rays) be responsible for the major warming of 20th century? A graph by E Friis-Christensen and K Lassen, published in Science, shows a strong relationship between the temperature anomaly (departure from the normal) and the sunspot cycle length while the relationship between temperature anomaly and CO2 concentration is much weaker. The follow-up is an admission by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) appearing in the Second Order Draft of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) that cosmic ray changes can affect earth’s clouds and climate.
Nobel Prize Winner : Arctic To Be Ice Free Next year | Real Science
[2009] New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in the summertime as early as 2014, Al Gore said Monday at the U.N. climate conference

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